Oats Chain
The Dutch oats chain – of which Vandinter Semo is part – stimulates research and promotion of gluten-free oats as a healthy home-grown ‘superfood’.
Vandinter Semo now has access to a brand new oat peeling machine which can produce gluten-free oats on an industrial scale.

Oats are an excellent fit for a gluten-free diet.
In recent years, it has become clear that oats are free from gluten. Research has shown that any present gluten is not inherent to the oats themselves but rather due to contamination from other grains. There is a high likelihood of oats becoming contaminated through the drifting of gluten-containing grains from adjacent fields. Additionally, contamination can occur during harvesting and transportation. Vandinter Semo has developed a procedure to guarantee the cultivation, processing, and hulling of gluten-free oats.
Gluten-free diets typically lack fiber. Therefore, gluten-free oats are a desirable, fiber-rich addition to a gluten-free diet.

Oats are an underrated food crop. And that is a shame. Oats are in fact very healthy and contain cholesterol-lowering fibre. Thanks to the slow digestion of oats, it helps to prevent and to tackle obesity and diabetes. Another special feature is the fact that oats are gluten-free. This is in contrast to other crops such as wheat, rye and barley. More and more Dutch people are facing gluten intolerance making oats an excellent nutritional alternative for people with celiac disease.
Researchers at Wageningen University have been at the forefront of an oat production chain which ensures that oats are not ‘infected’ during the production process by gluten-containing grains. Vandinter Semo is a proud partner in this gluten-free oat chain and is leading the way in offering gluten-free oats to numerous processors.
Thanks to the oats chain, the first gluten-free breakfast products made from oats were brought onto the market in 2010. One year later, the gluten-free oat bread was added. And, although the steps are modest, it seems that oats are rapidly gaining in popularity.

Quality Oats
Om er zeker van te zijn dat de haver die Vandinter Semo verwerkt, ook daadwerkelijk 100% glutenvrij is, zijn een aantal duidelijke procedures en voorwaarden gesteld. Deze voorwaarden en procedures zijn de basis geweest voor een nieuw keurmerk: Quality Oats.
Haverproducten met het keurmerk Quality Oats zijn 100% gegarandeerd glutenvrij dankzij een gecontroleerde teelt, gecontroleerde oogst, gecontroleerd transport, gecontroleerde verwerking – dankzij een eigen haverpel-lijn – en gecontroleerde opslag.
Deze strenge voorwaarden en procedures zijn de basis voor de volgende certificeringen:

Oat products with a quality mark
Various oat products are currently being developed based on 100% gluten-free Dutch oats. A number of these oat products are already available.