Vandinter Semo has a well-selected range of varieties of grasses which hold, without exception, a leading position in the variety list. When compiling the final meadow mixtures, we still look beyond only pure yield. Hence, we mainly look at the nutritional value, digestibility and to the practical harvest qualities. Thanks to our own seed processing, we are able to apply a coating to the grass seed which provides faster germination. In this way, we apply our knowledge and capacity directly for the best pasture mixtures.

Facts and figures of High Sugar Grass.
Vandinter Semo set up a collaboration with leading company Germinal in Ireland. They have a strong international reputation as a trendsetter in High Sugar Grass.
Research at IBERS Aberystwyth University has shown that Aber HSG varieties have consistently higher levels of sugars than standard varieties, throughout any grass growing season. WSC levels up to 50% higher than controls have been recorded in some Aber HSG varieties. Results from trials are summarised later on this page.

Clover and alfalfa
The use of clover and alfalfa is a good way to increase the protein content in roughage. In addition, clover and alfalfa enhance the palatability of the grass. Vandinter Semo has access to various types of clover and different varieties.
The leguminous plant captures nitrogen from the air, making it naturally fitting for the current Dutch nitrogen situation and also as a component in circular agriculture.
Multi-Species Mixtures
Multi-Species Mixture contains high-quality grasses, legumes and herbs, providing multiple sources of protein, energy and minerals for grazing livestock. Soil health benefits from the plant species’ different abilities to fix and lift nitrogen, reducing environmental impact.
Due to its deeper roots, herb-rich grassland is also a genuine carbon dioxide sequestrator, which is a significant advantage.